Darling Daisy
Anouchka Grose
Harper Collins, 2000
The hilarious story of a Generation X-er’s search for love and meaning in New Cross.
Darling Daisy,
You are, as you admit yourself, a bit of a flake, and now it’s time to leave Las Vegas, the dead best friend, the McJob and the controlling but indifferent parents, to follow your rocket-scientist boyfriend of 24 hours to London, where you will rediscover your British roots, visit many famous landmarks and work out what to do with your life (as well as having a serious, grown-up relationship).
But while Rob is reaching for the stars, Daisy is left alone in the worst shared house in South London, penniless, bored and miserable. Should she get a job? Have an affair? Become a poet? Slacker style, she manages to avoid doing anything either radical or useful and instead takes her mind off the swirly carpets and unspeakable wallpaper by keeping a diary. But while Daisy’s got a lot to say, she doesn’t have much of a life, right now. There are always the repellently fascinating doings of her loathsome house mates to fill the pages, though, although she needs to find out more about them, preferably when they’re not there. A bit of ‘research’ can’t possibly do any harm, can it? After all, no-one will ever know.
Dark, funny and full of Anouchka Grose Forrester’s excruciatingly accurate observations and witty literary games; this is a novel for all those twenty- (and thirty- and forty-) somethings who know they can do anything – when they can work out what that is, exactly.
The Independent review, 17th June,2000
by Brandon Robshaw